Refund Policy & Delivery Policy

All products are sold “as is”. The customer assumes the responsibility for the purchase, and no refunds will be issued.

Adena is an in-game currency;
With it players acquire various useful items in the game.
 Delivery of Adena - transfer of the in-game currency to the buyer, the way of delivery is determined by the buyer during the purchase. If it is not possible to deliver the order by the chosen method, delivery is carried out at the choice of the operator.
 The delivery time of Adena depends on subjective and objective factors, ranging from 40 seconds to 24 hours, in rare cases 48 hours (if related to security issues); the maximum delivery is carried out within 72 hours.
 Delivery of Adena can be interrupted exclusively until the moment of dispatch, if Adena was sent and the buyer saw the delivery and refused, money will not be returned.
 Adena is delivered around the clock 24 hours, 7 days a week. Each delivery of Adena is supported by a screenshot after the departure and is recorded in the table.

 Account Delivery Account - information (login, password) of the character in the game.
 Account delivery is carried out through the mail box or in the online chat through or any messangers.
 All necessary account information is transmitted to the client and they are able to change it for themselves.
 Delivery account takes from 1 to 72 hours, depending on the current owner of the account.
 Delivery is confirmed by the client, the screenshot is recorded in the table. The service is not responsible for the use of the account that is sold.
Responsibility for usage of the account is assumed by the buyer.

With regards, r33t Team!